Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthday~ Yeah~

Today is my Birthday~ Yeah~ How many people know about it? I don't know~ cause I never speak out about this..... In school, some friend said "Happy Birthday" to me~ In class, today our class made a farewell "party" for our math teacher~ cause she will leave our school soon.... they bought a cake, sung the songs, she cried.... and we be crazy in there~ hug and hug..... Wow~ that was great~ That was what we do for a teacher we always failed her exam paper like just get 34 mark? At that time we all forget about it~ In there, someone said loudly "today is my birthday" in class~ And whole class about my birthday today~ They want make a honor "celebration" they always done in a birthday person, but I'm not the important person in that time~ teacher is~ In home, mother bought me few piece litter cake form market~ that's good, how can I finish a big cake by myself? Father just give my some money for gift~ Money always nice~$ Somebody gave the blessing yesterday.....== First one, is it?

I thought, a person birthday are not so important in a day, more thing are more important about this. But this day is just a day for a person, glad to celebrate too~

Last Saturday, School band concert done~ Great I said~ to PA group too~

Said Happy Birthday to myself~ Later~