Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time to setup~

End for exam today~ really Dead in Math~!!! >< After the school, go to buy material to prepare stage design, I'am bad in math, so long time to count about the size....== Bought thing, start tomorrow~

Desmond get into the sanctuary, setup the animus back to Ezio's memory, Next video will back to Ezio. Later~

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to real world, face the real War

My school exam will end tomorrow, back to normal~ After exam I need to prepare about my school teacher day, even I got many experience in Art society before, but my PA teammate haven't face on the stage design. Keep going~!

Desmond back to the game with Lucy, find the way to the villa Sanctuary, make it be an Assassin's safe house. Wait for part 2~

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wars is Coming~!!!! \OAO/

I'm fighting in the war, that's call "Exam"...."Relax~ just exam.... just give me a paper and answer those questions. " The real war I really want to fight will come after the exam...My school teacher day show...Show's background, and I gonna camp in jungle for 5 days....Wow~ so exam just a small part of the WAR (Actually when u read my blog u may know what the hell I do during exam week, so I don't need to worry about exam~)

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood's War Gaming are more than AC games before, It's all amazing~!!! XD Enjoy the Italian war with Ezio~ pls wait for next video~ Desmond will back to the game.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Brotherhood =)

About 5 month doesn't type blog.....juz always go with Facebook~
How many "real" friends for a person? someone got many friends, but not that real....Juz like me, look so friendly but that person juz I using him/her to get what I want....

The real friends, are who really care about U.....Who really make a person feel "friend", like brothers and sisters. We name ourself "Buddyz"..... Share happiness whatever, we always together....I'm the person are leave furthest away from them. but I always close to them~ We gathering few more time, and yesterday we go to the movie Fast and Furious 5~ this movie is Awasome~ wait for the six~ =D

Back to the video, I done Assassin's Creed Brotherhood already, now I post the video for yours. It's great~

That's~ enjoy~wait for next movie~ =D