Sunday, November 27, 2011

The First

Such a long time I haven't blogging in times. Many thing are happened in these moments, like the thing I haven't write down in here before, like "Love". I have my First Love, it's sudden thing, right? It's happening on me~ It's started at the date 11.11.11. really special date, we have to cross a century to get back this date.

She is Cute. She is a big Child. She is Beautiful. She is a Lady. She is one of my best Friend before. She is one for my Buddyz. She is most important person in my Life. She is a part of my Life. She is half of my Soul. She is my Girlfriend. She is my Mate. She is my Wife!

We always stay contact each other will phone and FB. We have a date last Wednesday, went to the movie "You are the apple of my eyes". Ticket can't be book, so I went to the Cinema bought these Tickets. Great movie~ I read the novel before, movie are different with novel, movie always like this, but it's still the best. but our moment is great than movie~

This craft Bunny I made for her birthday this year~ I wouldn't hurt you anymore, I wanna love you. I promised we with stay together forever~ I LOVE YOU.

Next, Assassin's Creed  Revelations Released~ I bought it last Friday~ Ezio feel different for last 2 games, of cause he's older, in this game he feel alone, dose not like last 2 games before, got family and friends feel, maybe he leave Italy, leave his family and old friends, have Journey, discover the world... Poor Ezio..... It's great to be play~ Gameplay are more cinematic than last 3 games~ Difficult than last 3 last, but not for me~ I disappointed I can't play Desmond's Journey in game, when I enter into the mission, the game automatic shut down, jump out to desktop. Maybe I bought crack disc, Original disc are expensive, so I always buy crack disc... I still can complete the story, but can't finish full game because for Desmond's Journey.....

I uploaded same opening gameplay video for ACR in these 3 days, but still upload failed.... Today completed upload, but Rejected because video is too long....=.= Goddamn it.... Re-edit, Re-upload right now~! If success, will post tomorrow~

Gaming always lost my mind, people will not feel the time when they are playing video game.... Pls wake me up if I fall into Video games, I still got my wife! ><


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