Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breaking News: Otaku Ep 3 Completely updated (4/8/10)

There it is~! "MY LiFE, MY Art" News Form at 4 August 2010.

The comic Otaku Episode 3 had completely updated~! Reborned~!!!(juz one page....==)
2 years later still use pencil and paper to draw it....U know y? Shhh~ I still draw in class....

Ok, wait for my new episode update, new work, and new comic "Battle Life"(juz done 5 page....)
U should follow me on Facebook, Picasa, Here~!!!
Pls comment this post, support "Otaku" and share it to other~!!!!
Thank you very much~! ^3^


  1. ahh!! you're confusin me! do I read left-right or right left like manga? i wuz reading it like manga and it made no sense to me sooooo... maybe i should just shut up.

  2. its funny now that i read it right! keep up teh good work!
